06 August 2024

Embracing the Constitutional "Burdens of the Past"

It is disheartening to see the democratic candidate for the US presidency rising through pandering, guile, and a lack of anything approaching proper governance, ready to prostitute herself and the highest office in the strongest country in the world to the highest bidder. From her tagline 'What can be, unburdened by what has been’, it is hard to see what exactly she means and what precisely she stands for.

When I think of 'what has been', I see an America founded on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights with a constrained federal government and enshrined personal liberties, both in abandoned and cherished. I don't know if this is what Mrs. Harris means in that phrase, but I hope we can get some clarification very soon, as I cannot support someone who may see our founding principles as so much baggage to be 'unburdened' by.

Similarly, it would be useful to know the vice-president's clear vision of 'what can be' once the burdensome past is jettisoned. My fear is that these are noting but hollow words, most likely to be filled by shadowy forces that want to use the presidency and our nation as bubble-headed prostitutes for private and sinister purposes. Perhaps for nothing more than expanding the fabulous wealth of certain persons or groups.

I much prefer the constitutional principles that apparently "burden our past".  I want a very constrained government that fulfills its constitutional duties and cannot do anything else, even if the majority of the people clamor for it. If this is burdensome to some, I am happy to see such people thwarted. I thank God everyday that we don't have a "pure" democracy and the rule of the mob that is easily bought off with trinkets and flattery. We have a constitutional republic designed to protect rights rather than granting political favors and buying votes.