The rising interest in the concept of "Christ's Unconditional Love" seems to point to a decided nice Second Coming and a milquetoast deity that will excuse everything in the name of LOVE, writ large.
It is as if the Lord of the Old Testament has been dismissed for good and all his demands for obedience and repentance and doing good are done away. Now, God must love his children "unconditionally", providing blessing and salvation without the burden of good behavior, all because he loves us and doesn't want to see us punished or even inconvenienced. According to the new sensibilities, we can behave as we like and the new indulgent God thinks it is cute and sprinkles glitter everywhere.
I don't think much of this as an example of God's redemptive power and pray that you don't either. I trust more to needed works toward earning God's favor rather than trusting to some doting heavenly behavior totally unsupported by scripture. How many bible stories tell of the Lord destroying the wicked and the same "yesterday, today, and forever"? Do we think we can sin and avoid the wrath of God toward the wicked?
It is unwise to put aside the holy record and think there is any other fate for us than what we have learned from the old stories unless we repent and make ourselves and our thoughts and behaviors more pleasing to God.
And as we obey and turn to the Lord, he will forgive us and atone for us, which is the highest sort of love imaginable. However, we must warrant such love and appreciate it through our change of heart and actions. We must become the sort of people God wants us to be, which he will help along toward an inexplicable exaltation.
Don't require the Lord to accept you as you are - make yourself acceptable to him!