04 January 2025

The Enduring Influence of Women

You have to understand that women are powerful sorts. They can be really good or really evil or something in between. Of course, we can't say women could be evil because they will destroy anyone who makes such an accusation. My basic philosophy is to keep a safe distance from the women unless you are married to one, and then you better keep that one woman very, very happy. If you are blessed (lucky?), she will not have an inclination to see you suffer.

Always start with a bad example...

Read Chapter 8 of the Book of Ether within the Book of Mormon and you will learn about a powerful harpy that the book dare not name, only known as the Daughter of Jared, who practically re-introduces evil into the world of the Jaredite nation.  She seduces her future husband named Akish, and influenced the hubby to murder her father and take his kingship.  Apparently, she was so effective that her sons plotted against Akish and killed their father to take the kingship for themselves, ultimately squabbling amongst themselves and killing their entire tribe and themselves.

It's not every woman can convince every man in her circle to slaughter each other without lifting a finger. That is the kind of power every woman can choose to command.

But remember to follow up with better examples....

Rebekah went off to marry someone she didn't know -  Isaac, son of Abraham. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/ot/gen/27?lang=eng&id=p11-p17#p11

The mother's of Helaman's Stripling warriors that fought but didn't die. - https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/alma/56?lang=eng&id=p47-p48#p47

The harlot in Jericho, who recognized God's people and helped them. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/ot/josh/2?lang=eng&id=p1-p9#p1

Eve in the Garden of Eden understood that having children and learning the difference between good and evil was more important than living a blissful but purposeless life.  https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/ot/gen/3?lang=eng&id=p6-p7#p6

02 December 2024

Exalting Clarence and Counter-Generational Sheep

My memory is getting so bad, it is better to say that what follows is just a story, perhaps loosely based on real events.

In the late 70s, I was what is now called a “tween”.  I don’t remember that was a thing back then, I was just a gawky kid that would soon become an introverted teenager.  My family was living on my mother’s family ranch, in a very old two bedroom prairie house. My older brother and I lived in a very small room that barely fit two desks, a stacked chest of drawers, two hamsters, and two stacked beds that my dad had to build with minimal headroom because the ceiling was so low.  Our house was about twenty miles north of the closest town, so we experienced much the same life as the previous prairie generation and somewhat similar to our grandparents childhood experience, which would be pretty unfamiliar to my children.  We had a party-line telephone, rode horses and tractors, had a half-hour tiny “commute” to school, swam in stock tanks during the summer, and took care of various small stock, or failed to do so to the angst of our parents.  I grew up in a different time and manner from present “first world” sensibilities, the way my parents and grandparents were raised.

This year’s Thanksgiving features one of my own family traditions, the viewing of “It’s a Wonderful Life”, a Frank Capra movie from 1947. My grandparents would have been young adults when this movie was made and both my father and mother were three years old. I just want to give you some context in how dated my tastes are and that they are much more likely aligned with the generations of the past 

My parents had a color TV that was bought as a kit and which several people worked on over the years to complete and fitfully operate.  Of course, my youth miles away from the nearest TV transmitter, we only had one channel which was sometimes very faint and statically intermittent in that old analog way to which modern digital/internet generations have no experience. My first viewing of “It’s a Wonderful Life” was late at night during the Christmas break from school on a glitchy TV playing with more static than picture.  It was a late-night movie, because the Frank Capra “not a classic” movie had fallen into the public domain and TV stations could broadcast it without the cost of royalties to some studio.

I later got a VHS tape version of “It’s a Wonderful Life” out of a discard bin at a discount store and later upgraded to a DVD “un-colorized” version that the local general store had on the “under-$5” rack. My favorite “holiday” movie (it has less to do with Christmas than Die Hard, for instance) really says something about me. I relate strongly to George Bailey and his life-struggles and attitudes.

People try to shoe-horn everyone into convenient “generations” that sound something like the Chinese zodiac we see as tablemats at buffets.  My inclusion with “Gen X” is about as relevant as my placement in the “year of the sheep”, which tells me that I should NEVER have married my wife of 36 years. I probably have more in common with my ancestors who actually used a “shoe horn” and had an even chance of knowing how to care for sheep. I’m also more aligned with cultures that work through their marital problems rather than find ways to work around placemat prophecy incompatibilities.

Just as George Bailey would likely get eaten alive in our modern “dog-eat-dog” world, I often nurse a figurative gnawed leg or two. I stare aghast at people looking and being bizarre. Something like George, I am deeply grateful to God for his help in facing (more avoiding) our present day of silliness and decadence. I am grateful for an enduring wife who, like Mary Bailey, doesn’t give up on her fraying husband and orchestrates his eventual salvation. I swear a fleet of angels have been engaged to “earn their wings” helping me.

So, in spite of the antique look and values around “It’s a Wonderful Life”, I encourage you to watch it, even on modern streaming platforms. It won’t appear to be snowing quite so much as it did when I first watched the film, but hopefully you will find a few insights to improve your life and mood!

20 November 2024

Socialism Wants to be your God

The act of using the resources of rich to provide a "living" for the poor is at odds with devotion to and blessings from YWYH.

Over my many years, I have been a recipient of God's blessings, often fiscally.  I have had increasing more lucrative employment which I credit wholly to the Lord. This has come as I have stepped away from government poverty programs and their behaviors and restrictions. I have friends that take welfare payments and "food stamps" who are scholars of the strictures of such benefits. They know what they can do and what they can't do to continue to qualify for "free"-ish government hand-outs and discounts. With great patience, they try to explain the intricacies of qualifications to me, how they maximize their rewards.  In the distant past, I was just as much working to become expert in this. I now make it a point to avoid all government help, at least as much as I can.

It was a harrowing time when I decided that I would stop pursuing the favor of government programs and earning their rewards. My children lost free health care and we stopped qualifying for government subsidized discounts on heating and phone bills, among other hoop-jumping perks. A few people even said that I was depriving and abusing my children by robbing them of government "benefits" that they deserved. 

A child or two of mine likely wished they could get put into the fostering programs and enjoy the benefits of "parenting" under government surveillance, family decisions that could be appealed to committees of social workers, and regular payments ear-marked for nicer school-clothes and expensive sports shoes like some of the kids showed off in class. It can be hard for mere biological families to compete with bureaucratic largesse in the form of "carrots and sticks".

Nonetheless, my wife and I made the conscious choice to avoid government "help" and put more effort into pursuing Liberty and standing on our own feet in providing fully for ourselves. It has been an interesting ride and I definitely credit God for any success we have enjoyed. Turning to the Lord for help rather than government is the greatest act of liberation that I have known! 

11 October 2024

Socialism is not a Workable God Replacement for Helene's Toll

We have all watched the cries of pain and defiance as people that survived in the wake of Helene tell their stories. It is heartening to see the labors of the real heroes, neighbors and distant charitable folk doing all they can to bring supplies and hope to those who need it the most.

Also telling are the government agents and agencies that kept a distance and made promises without any authentic help. Officials offered pitiful looks while busy about other desires far away, playing politics and placating those in pain from death and destruction with promises that "we are with the government: we are here to save you" and a failing promise to give, then deny, pitiful sums of money to not-enough-victims.

The recent hurricane toll on people just brings up again to me that the Lord's commandment to 'love your neighbor' is far more effective in meeting our needs than a taxed and 'coordinated' government response.

We see in the official response to Helene the rotten promise of socialism, so very little so very late and so reluctantly given. If it would have been a more politically-advantageous place and better-elite-connected people, we may have seen a more strenuous government response.  These caught in the storm were those who have been called "deplorables", those who the powerful would just as soon see disappear in favor of more acceptable political serfs and sycophants and migrant polling "scabs".

Fortunately, there is a God in yonder heavens and a good number of his devotees in the mountains and valleys of Appalachia.  These are the blessed souls that crawl through destruction to see to the elderly in the back-country and the caring folk that drive hundreds of miles with water and food and supplies to those who watched their family preparations washed away. These are those who will stand before their maker and accept the blessing of God as those who are giving up their lives for their friends, as Christ did.

These mortal angels did what a large and often dismissive government stumbled to attempt - they saved souls. I hope we see those who advocate for a larger and more "give us your loyalty" government are not really here to save anyone but themselves and their demanding overlords. I would rather stand beside a mud-encrusted hillbilly with a chainsaw than a hundred FEMA operatives with clipboards and laptops.

We need to push government out of the way and work together to solve our collective troubles.

14 September 2024

Gratitude and Trust

I did a blog post a little while back about how important our individual choices are to our outcome. However, one should not think that our choices are the sole determinants of our future. God has paved the path and Jesus Christ has cleared that path of many obstacles to our ultimate success. We should each be personally grateful for the labor of Father and Son toward our best outcome.

It is disheartening to see so many people grumble and turn away from God with an attitude that the heavens are not doing enough to guarantee everyone's eternal success in the face of bad decisions and lack of decent effort.  So many want exaltation to be a "free" gift that requires nothing more than tearing off wrapping paper or some such and would call such a circumstance "love".  I can only foresee many petulant children shouting at God for not making their exaltation a gaily unearned action and not being handed a fine cake for what looks to be more a matriculation than an achievement.

One must see that no prize worth winning comes at no cost or sacrifice and when that prize is given from another's hand, the appropriate reaction should be gratitude toward the giver. Most would expect better manners from their children - "say thank you" - in similar earthly analogues. Too often, we appear ill-mannered to our gracious God for his far-more-than-helpful efforts and the vastness of the prize.

I can only conclude that those, when faced with such a wonderful offer for a small investment of obedience and thanks, who choose to turn up their noses are showing the conjoined twin of ingratitude, which is mistrust. I think many who set aside God and his offers are most likely motivated by a lack of trust in heavenly promises and the God who authors them. "I don't think he can really make this happen."

I only have this to say for the trustworthiness of God and his Christ - everything that they have promised me so far has been done (or looks to be coming to pass) and that gives me confidence in my Lord. I move forward in the expectation that ALL covenants and promises, to which I diligently do my part, will be DONE. In all this, I am slowly acquiring greater trust in my God.  I am very grateful to do my part, however falteringly, to forwarding his goals for the family of man!

02 September 2024

Some Jaredite Prosperity Wisdom


Here is some more in the vein of prosperity:

And because the people did repent of their iniquities and idolatries the Lord did spare them, and they began to prosper again in the land.


Here is another view on how to attain prosperity from the children of Jared and his brother as filtered through Moroni.

 Are we grateful that the Lord is willing to spare you, when you and I really deserve hellfire and damnation? We best be repenting from our cherished iniquities (sexual/"gender" deviance) and idolatries (water skiing and that demon bowling)!

27 August 2024

Don't let yourselves be diverted from your Mission

The whole purpose of life is to see if we will let ourselves be diverted from a path toward exaltation. As an example, the temptations of Christ during his fast in the wilderness were done by Satan to try to divert Christ from his mission. Jesus is our example of not being diverted from our mission.

You have to know your mission. Generally, this is to pursue exaltation through getting and keeping covenants. Beyond this, we often have individual missions tied to family, place, or circumstance.

One very large reason to cultivate a personal relationship with the heavens is to determine your individual mission in life and to pursue it rigorously. This mission pursuit was a larger feature of a religious life in the past that needs reviving. This effort requires an active connection with the Father in prayer and cultivating the 'back-channel' of listening to the Spirit to get needed inspiration toward fulfilling your individual mission.

Because your individual mission is unique to you, there is not some one prescribed method to discovering it outside of your desires to learn of it expressed through prayer and then following impressions that you get from the spiritual "back-channel". As you learn to hear and then follow inspiration, you will be led (through something like the Psychic Proximity Principle's "weak magnetism") to your life's mission.

I believe that most of what we call "mental health problems" are tied to essentially being "off-mission", either through having been distracted from it or simply not trying to discover it  People who seem to have their "sh** together" are usually at least on the path toward their mission if not already working it. 

In the https://www.exalts.net simulation, one might get the impression that life is just a pile of good choices made and rewarded, but I can't figure out a way to decently simulate the work of finding your personal mission in life. God knows what it is and will lead you to it through spiritual impressions, but I can't program that! You have to do that work for yourself!