Here is the very practical purpose of the testimony of The Three Witnesses.
And in the mouth of three witnesses shall these things be established; and the testimony of three, and this work, in the which shall be shown forth the power of God and also his word, of which the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost bear record—and all this shall StandAsaTestimonyAgainstTheWorld at the last day.'m not saying that a few people may have chosen to believe the Book of Mormon record due to the testimony of these three men, but Moroni is showing this for the purpose of indicting those who reject the record (it is not a story so it is called a record) in our times for whatever reason.The kindness and love bunch tend to look away at these recorded justifications for God's justice. God is often portrayed as the tough judge rather than the merciful forgiver of sins in scripture. It must be hard for "sweetness and light" types to hear the "warning voice" that says God spends time and effort on justifying his judgements and wrath.It must be remembered that God has faced and stood against whole-sale rebellion from his own ungrateful children. One third of them were cast off and never entered mortality. What we have here on earth is a hodgepodge of God's children that run the gamut from those not stridently rebelling against God and to those who embraced the Father's plan and Jesus' role as the Savior.The mercy and love of God provided that less than zealous people were sent to mortality alongside those who had proven themselves loyal to God during the "War in Heaven" rebellion. One facet of mortality is the "winnowing" of people much like grain, giving them an additional chance to prove their loyalty, as indicated in this verse. I would say many souls have lived and are living today that were greatly motivated to avoid the punishment of the rebellious rather than any real loyalty toward God and his Christ.The phrasing here is pointed at those who are likely to say that God didn't put forth enough effort to redeem them from punishment and damnation. God prepares his answer to the questions of "Why am I not glorified? Am I not also one of thy children? Am I not entitled to your inheritance?"