However, any of us can go too far and have Christ turn his back on us forever. I know, it doesn't sound right, but you have to understand the concept of repentance. If we change our evil natures toward the good, Christ will forgive us and help us in our changing. You can depend on this, of course.
What I am talking of is those who reject Christ and do NOT repent (or make a change for the better). This doesn't apply if we are just wanting to avoid punishment without changing our natures. I worked in a prison once and I am very familiar with people who just want to do or say *anything* to get out of prison. Many will insincerely act good and try to "game" the system to get what they want. These don't actually change and don't want to. They only want to trick you.
You need to understand that Christ isn't a soft-hearted sucker, ready to be fooled. That doesn't take away from the generosity of God is accepted those who really change in their hearts, but you can't "trick" him by acting like you might change (without really doing it).
16 For behold, the Spirit of the Lord hath already ceased to strive with their fathers; and they are without Christ and God in the world; and they are driven about as chaff before the wind.